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The Joint HIE Continues to Expand

Carequality Graphic

The Federal Electronic Health Record Modernization (FEHRM) office expanded its joint health information exchange (HIE) in August 2023 to include participating in Carequality, a framework enabling health data sharing between and among networks. The joint HIE is a secure gateway used to connect to participating provider organizations across the United States who agree to securely share clinical information with the Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Participating in Carequality significantly expands the percentage of U.S. hospitals connected to the joint HIE from 75% to more than 90%—enhancing the ability to exchange patient data and resulting in more informed care for patients navigating between different health care systems and providers. The joint HIE is part of the FEHRM’s overarching effort to deliver capabilities that enable the Departments to deploy a single, common federal EHR. With this connection, DOD, VA, USCG and NOAA clinicians, nurses and administrators gain access to an expanded set of external health records from participating provider organizations for patients. Other organizations previously unable to query these Departments can now retrieve data from them.

Read more about the joint HIE participating in Carequality. Learn more about the benefits of the joint HIE for patients and providers.