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Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Individuals

You must create an account in the Veterans Health Administration Talent Management System (TMS). Please register to each individual session you would like to obtain CEUs for prior to October 22, 2024, via the links provided below.

Due to the recent TMS update:

  • Your registered course may not appear under “My Learning,” please use the course number (xx of 24) to search for it.
  • Your attendance must be confirmed. Please note: If the session ended prior to the scheduled ending time, you will not be prompted to confirm your attendance and will need to wait until the time ends to do so. If you cannot confirm your attendance, please contact: Spencer Glipa, Nathan Clbertson, and Madelyn Phillips—;; Madelyn.Phillips@va.govimmediately with the Course Session Title and Session number (xx of 24).
  • The evaluation closes 15 days after the course. Please complete your evaluation each day. Without a completed evaluation, you will not be granted CEUs.

Register to these sessions:

Allied Health - Laboratory:

Allied Health - Nutrition:

Allied Health - Pharmacy:

Allied Health Radiology/Dental:

Allied Health - Substance Use Disorder and Behavioral Health:

Business - Patient Throughput and Staff:

Business - Referrals and Care in the Community:

Business - Registration and Scheduling:

Business - Reports, Registries, and Custom Reporting:

Business - Revenue Cycle:

Clinical - Ambulatory:

Clinical - Emergency:

Clinical - Inpatient/Outpatient Nurses:

Clinical - Outpatient: Inpatient Physicians:

Clinical - Perioperative:

Clinical - Women’s Health and Whole Health:

Informatics - Data Analytics and Medical Devices:

Informatics - New Requirements:

Multidisciplinary - End-User Engagement and Change Management:

Multidisciplinary - Inpatient and Outpatient Social Work:

Multidisciplinary - Oncology and Pain Management:

Multidisciplinary - Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy:

Multidisciplinary - Research and User Surveys:

Multidisciplinary - Telehealth and Patient Portal: